One on one interview with one of our project managers Jose.
What is your strategy for working with an underperforming team member?
Jose says that he will train employees 3-4 times on a particular skill and if the employee is not able to master the skill he will give that employee a simpler job that better suits their skill set.
What is your process for delegating tasks to employees?
Every morning on the jobsite Jose gathers his crews and delegates what each employee will be doing for the day. Jose is in communication with each team member throughout the day, if they complete the task at hand then Jose will assign them to another jobsite task.
How would you describe your communication & leadership style?
Jose says communication is key to a successful project! He describes himself as a very good communicator. He says he's in constant communication with his crews throughout the day, delegating tasks, training and keeping crews on schedule throughout the day.
How tall are the pyramids in Egypt?
Jose's answer is 200 FT.
How do you prioritize tasks on a project?
Jose says that a lot of planning goes into the initial phase of all projects. He says that it's very important to execute the initial project steps in order for the rest of the project to run smoothly.
Jose says "communication is key to a successful project and that it's very important to execute the initial project steps in order for the rest of the project to run smoothly."